Why Choose Extended?
Extended is a very powerful premium WordPress theme created with the users point of view in mind and with a lot of attention to details. It has what we believe the most unique and advance front-end admin to help anyone looking to create a website in no time and with simplicity.
We have created this tool to avoid users going back and forth between the back-end and the front-end side to add pages or to update some settings for example, which could take a lot of time. We also believe that seeing what you want while building the page is very powerful and avoid mistakes and frustrations.
With our front-end admin you can create new pages with all the necessary field like the title, excerpt, images, categories or even the page layout with the choice of the sidebar you want, you can publish, unpublished or even delete the pages you’ve created directly on the front-end.
You can create unlimited sidebars with our sidebar generator. You can change the background of your site or even upload one, choose between more than 500 Google fonts for most of the typo elements. We have also create a drag & drop functionality to re-size the header as wide and high as you want, you can move around the logo and the menu where you’d like. And all of that still without leaving the front-end of your site.
Meet Our Team / View The Team
Darren Kimbell
Business Marketing
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